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Save Energy with a New Thermostat - Advanced Mechanics

admin • October 24, 2016

There are many ways you can cut down on your energy bills during the winter, such as caulking windows and putting weather stripping around doors. If you are looking to make a large difference, we recommend that you replace an aging heating system like a furnace and put in a new high-efficiency model.

But in this post, we’re going to look at an energy-saving method that may not have occurred to you: putting in a new thermostat.

Why a Thermostat Upgrade Makes a Difference

A thermostat is a device that’s designed not to draw attention—and that makes it easy to dismiss it’s importance to home comfort and energy use. Outdated thermostats, such as manual slider-n-dial models and no-frills digital thermostats, won’t allow you to get the most out of your heating system during the winter (or your cooling system in the summer). New models can help lower your bills in a number of ways:

  • Accuracy: Just making the change from a manual thermostat to a digital one improves the accuracy of the settings. There’s often a more than 2° swing with a manual thermostat, and that’s enough to lead to energy waste.
  • Programmability: If you upgrade your thermostat, we recommend that you make sure it at least has programmability. When you can set the thermostat to turn the HVAC system on and off automatically, even when no one is home, you can cut down significantly on running the heater and AC at unnecessary times.
  • Smart technology: The top-of-the-line thermostats available today are equipped with “smart” technology. This means the thermostats analyze the pattern of their settings and create their own programs that find ways to further boost energy savings. Smart thermostats can also be controlled via Internet connections—so you can operate your home’s HVAC system from anywhere using your smart phone or similar mobile device.

To find out more about your options when it comes to installing new thermostats, contact our team today.


Advanced Mechanical Services provides heating and cooling for homes in Palisades Park , NJ and throughout the Northern New Jersey Area.


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